4 Steps to Becoming a Medium Top Writer

First, if you’re looking for a shortcut, you’ve come to the wrong place. There is no magical way to cut the line and skip straight to the front. It’s not easy. But it is relatively simple. Writing is a game of patience, consistency, and dedication. But of course you already know that. You’ve put in the work. Toiled…

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Why Nobody Likes Your Story

Ever find yourself slogging through a story that, on the surface, you’re really jazzed about? You started off with a great concept and compelling characters, but for whatever reason you’re just going through the motions, trudging towards an ending that’s somehow lost its luster. You’re drifting down the Blue Danube on a story raft that…

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Writing the Sequel Nearly Broke Me

I worked on the sequel to Time Heist for 180 days in a row. Everyday from 5am-8am, and then again from 6pm-7pm, I sat down with coffee in hand, and clicked out 5,000 words. That’s nearly a million words, or 3,000 pages for those of you non-writers out there who do not think in terms…

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Finding Your Author Voice

Fasten your seatbelts, buckaroos! Today we’re talking about voice, which is a slippery eel of a topic if ever there was one, so we’re gonna come at it from a couple different angles and hopefully one of them sticks. Voice is a hard thing to lock down because it’s entirely subjective. What one person considers…

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Bettering Your Editing

Creating imaginary worlds filled with whatever weirdness your thinking-noodle cooks up is (if you’re doing it correctly) fun. Sure, forcing yourself into the chair to sling words onto paper can be hard some days, but once you’re in the flow and ideas start plopping out of your word-hole, the act of writing becomes a fairly…

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